Sunday, July 6, 2014

Endless Forest, Whittier

This wall is about 50 feet long and 6 feet high.  This is the "Endless Forest" that my volunteers and I painted over a six day time span.  Unfortunately, we finished the last details at night and those photos didn't come out well.  But this, at least, gives you an idea of what it looked like.

the Master Mind Alliance Mural

A mural I finished in 2012 for "Master Mind Alliance" ... a group which will lead you to really *think* about how effectively you live your life, and whether you live your life by choice and design, or are you instead more a creature of habit ....?  Habits which keep you from living your dreams?  Led by Frank Iniguez of SEPA seminars in Whittier, we examined our lives every other Saturday morning at 6:30 a.m., and challenged ourselves to live our lives outside of our usual inefficient patterns.  It was an experience worth repeating and I recommend it to anyone who can spare 26 Saturdays for one whole year.